Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I have a fat cat.
His name is Gingy.
He is called that because he is orange.
When I cuddle him he feels like a pillow
He  has a sister called Bella.
Gingy is a lazy cat.
He relaxes on his back which is unusual.
He loves to relax.
I like cuddling  my cat, Gingy, because he is a snuggly cat to cuddle with.
I love my cat.

Weta Workshop

Weta workshop
We march proudly to this workshop called Weta Workshop. It was a place where they made movie props. I saw this sheep head from a movie I know called 'Black sheep'. It had real wool on it just like the fleece from our sheep at home. It had twitching ears that were bent a little like a rabbit Its mouth looked like a pig grunting. l also saw this armour from 'The Lord of the Rings'. It was gold and red with lots of intricate detail. My favourite part about it was its sword. The iron on it was gold like a golden flame. Another interesting thing was the masks. I am not sure what they were for but our tour person told us about how it blends in with the person who is wearing it. They were so real that they make it look like their faces. The wrinkly big nose and frowning face was the face of a troll.
Weta Workshop has made a lot of films. I'd love to see more of them!

By David

Making the School Famous

Making the school famous

At Capital E we made our school famous so people will come to our school. We didn't put on our school uniforms because our uniforms were green. It would make us invisible because our uniforms are green and we were using a green screen. So we had to dress up. We were wearing wigs and belts and colourful t-shirts. I dressed up as a cool guy because I found this black wig and decorated belt and a red shirt with shiny buttons.

For the show we all had a job. I was the camera operator at the end. I said on TV that I help keep the books in order.

At the end there was our school song ... but at the very end of the show we were dancing and we were put on YouTube.

By David